Bent Fest NYC

Posted in Announcement on February 12th, 2010 by admin

The 2010 Bent Festival will take place at The Tank April 22-24, 2010…

…and I’m invited. I’ll be performing my TONEWHEELS set as well as giving a workshop to teach people how to build their own opto-electronic synthesizers.

The Bent Festival is an annual art and music festival celebrating DIY electronics, hardware hacking, and circuit bending. Each year we invite artists from across the country and around the globe to perform music with their home-made or circuit bent instruments, teach workshops to adults and children alike, create beautiful art installations and to generally come together, face to face, and showcase the state of the art in DIY electronics and circuit bending culture.

FEATURING ::vtol::, Action Potential:Interact, Adachi Tomomi, Alpha-Bit, Brendan O’Connell, Derek Holzer/TONEWHEELS, Dr. Bleep and Handmade Music Austin, Dr. Rek, Eric Archer, Gannon, homeless of the sea and sky, Iain Sharp, Joe Mariglio + Steven Litt, KBD, LCDD, Paulo R. C. Barros, Philip White, Phillip Stearns, Stefan Jankus, Threep, Travis Thatcher…and others…

I’m in the process of hooking up other workshops, lectures and performances in Buffalo, Syracuse, New York City, Providence and Boston over the dates 14 April – 1 May. Please get in touch if interested or if you can help out (particularly with a room in NYC over 19-28 April!!!) Further dates will be posted here when confirmed.

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[video] Nizo Super 8 Analogue Noise Machine

Posted in Documentation on February 12th, 2010 by admin

Nizo Super 8 Analogue Noise Machine from Matt Kemp on Vimeo.

Matt Kemp was in my Neanderthal Electronics workshop at WORM in Rotterdam last summer, and worked on one of the most original case/interface designs of the whole thing. Inspired by Eric Archer’s Sound Cameras and a Nizo Super 8 camera found at the flea market, Matt got busy making a light-controlled sound machine. Matt writes:

It has a few simple analogue circuits including two oscillators, a high pass filter and a band switch, mounted where the original camera controls were. There’s also a light sensitive resistor mounted behind the lens, so the sound changes as you move the camera or zoom into objects. I just have to make a replacement nameplate for it now, I’m thinking Noizo 801..

Thanks for posting this Matt!

Now Playing

francisco lópezmachines[2010 experimedia]
pussyguttgathering strengths[2010 olde english spelling bee]
tolerancedivin[1981 vanity]
yellow swansgoing places[2010 type]
zbigniew karkowski-choice of points for the application of force[2000 ytterbium]

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Pure Data Workshop + FLOSS Manuals Book Sprint

Posted in Announcement on January 28th, 2010 by admin

Pure Data Workshop + FLOSS Manuals Book Sprint
Tusday 23 – Friday 26 February 2010, 17.00-22.00 [GMT +1]
NK Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2 Etage 12059 Berlin, Germany

Contact Derek Holzer: derek AT THE DOMAIN mob: +49(0)176 2812 5845
Or contribute online! #flossmanuals

Pure Data (or Pd) is a free + open source, real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. Because all of these types of media are handled as data in the program, many fascinating opportunities for cross-synthesis between them exist. Pd is commonly used for live music performance, VeeJaying, sound effects composition, interfacing with sensors, cameras and robots or even interacting with websites.

A book sprint brings together a group of writers, editors and artists to produce a published book within several days. This sprint will combine a workshop within it, where new users will learn to create basic patches in Pd, documenting them along the way for the FLOSS Manual. This is an exciting opportunity both to acquire new skills as well as share them with others in the form of a book!

This sprint is a long-distance collaboration between FLOSS Manuals, the Berlin Pure Data users group and ITP/Tisch School of the Arts, New York.

Please bring your own laptop with Pure Data Extended installed. The workshop is free, with the expectation that participants will contribute to the FLOSS Manual.

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Posted in Announcement on December 30th, 2009 by admin

Just back from the beautiful (and internet-less) mountains of southern Bulgaria, loved every second of it. Found some small sound treasures there that I will post later on. In the meantime, I decided to pimp my page to see if it can generate some new interest in the workshops that I do.

For those who don’t know, the School of Everything is a website that got started a couple years ago in the UK as an alternative educational resource. The idea is simply to use the same kinds of social networking platform that others use to…um, well, uh, “tweet” and whatever it is they do with it, to hook up people who want to learn specific skills with those who can teach them.

In general, I find this self-education idea much closer to my own way of thinking than the traditional academic model. In fact, I’ve always maintained that the only thing that separates artists using technology now from David Tudor and the other electronic art pioneers of the 60s and 70s is the internet. Whereas Tudor, the Vasulkas, Buchla, Paik, Sandin and the rest had much more limited channels to find the information they needed, we have an almost limitless supply. Which is of course the other half of the problem–trying to get the signal out of the noise.

As a result of all this, the models of teaching and learning that I use have become quite tuned towards self-initiation and self-discovery. Having someone hand over all the answers to you doesn’t really stimulate the brain, and in fact could hardly be called learning at all. So most every lesson or workshop that I do is project-oriented, to encourage that process of teaching people to teach themselves.

You can check my teacher profile at:

And I have listed the following as one-on-one lessons:

Circuit Bending & DIY Electronics
Circuit Bending & DIY Electronics
Field Recording Techniques
Field Recording Techniques
Audio Recording & Post-Production with Ardour
Audio Recording & Post-Production with Ardour
Introduction to Pure Data
Introduction to Pure Data
Sound Art Technologies
Sound Art Technologies
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KHM, Cologne 14-18 Dec 2009

Posted in Announcement on December 12th, 2009 by admin

I’ll be back in Cologne next week for my fellowship at KHM. Two lecture/workshops have been planned…

Tuned City:Sound+Architecture lecture

(Will Schrimshaw’s “Little Helpers”, photo by poportis)

11.00-13.00, Monday 14 December 2009
Klanglabor, KHM, Cologne

“Tuned City – Between sound and space speculation” was an exhibition and conference project taking place from July 01.-05. 2008 in Berlin which proposed a new evaluation of architectural spaces from the perspective of the acoustic. In this lecture, we will see and hear some of the projects from the Tuned City event, as well as related projects covering the themes of Temporary Architecture for Sound, Buildings as Instruments and Composing the Cityscape. Following the lecture, from 14.00-18.00 the participants of the Materialize ISEA/Tuned City project will meet in a working group to discuss the projects and concepts shown.

The lecture is open to the public, however the working group is by arrangement with Materialize participants only.

Analog Synthesizer Workshop: Vocal Processing

Frequency plot of Doepfer Vocoder

(Frequency plot of Doepfer Vocoder module)

14.00-17.00 Thursday 17 December 2009
Klanglabor, KHM, Cologne

Building on the basic introductory workshop given in November, this special topic workshop will investigate using the Doepfer A-100 analog modular synthesizer for processing an external input–in this case the human voice. Modules such as the vocoder, ring modulator, envelope follower and various filters (voltage controlled & fixed frequency/equalizer) will be used to analyze and transform the sounds from a microphone. Previous knowledge of analog synthesizers, either from my earlier workshop or personal experience, is helpful since we will not spend much time explaining what was covered last time (voltage controlled oscillators, voltage controlled amplifiers, envelope generators, keyboards/sequencers, triggers/gates, etc etc).

Workshop instruction will be in English, and will be limited to 12 people. Preregistration required! Contact: derek AT THE DOMAIN

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Nu Fest 2010, Padova IT

Posted in Announcement on December 12th, 2009 by admin

Practice your Italiano!


Nu Fest 2010 Padova, IT

Venerdì 19 febbraio

Palazzo Liviano
ore 14.00 (durata 6 ore circa)

Teatro MPX
ore 21.00
MIRA CALIX live set (Warp Records – Joahnnesburg.Londra SOUTH AFRICA/UK)
+ opening act by DEREK HOLZER live set (Umatic NL/USA)

Tonewheels è un esperimento che consiste nella conversione di un immaginario grafico in suono. Il workshop si ispira ad alcune invenzioni basilari come l’ANS Synth (Murzin USSR 1937-57), il Variophone (Sholpo USSR 1930) e il sistema Oramics(Oram UK 1957) sviluppate da importanti musicisti e ricercatori sin dall’inizio del secolo scorso.
Fogli di plastica trasparente e colorata verranno illuminati per poter interagire con dei circuiti elettronici sensibili alla luce che così produrranno suoni e strutture ritmiche. I partecipanti impareranno come costruire due tipi di circuiti che sono due mattoni fondamentali per la costruzione di un sintetizzatore ottico: un semplice convertitore luce-suono controllato da un motore e inoltre come disegnare e stampare dei pattern personali usando il materiale disponibile in internet gratuitamente.

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Introduction to Ardour FLOSS Manual online now

Posted in Announcement on December 9th, 2009 by admin

Ardour is a full-featured, free and open-source hard disk recorder and digital audio workstation program suitable for professional use. It features unlimited audio tracks and buses, non-destructive, non-linear editing with unlimited undo, and anything-to-anywhere signal routing. It supports standard file formats, such as BWF, WAV, WAV64, AIFF and CAF, and it can use LADSPA, LV2, VST and AudioUnit plugin formats.

The “Introduction to Ardour” FLOSS Manual is a free (gratis/libre) tutorial-style book, which introduces the program without expecting a vast knowledge of computers or sound editing from the reader.

This FLOSS Manual can be read online at:

The Ardour FLOSS Manual was largely written by workshop participants learning the software themselves, over a one week period during a session led by Derek Holzer at the moddr_lab/WORM in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Non-profit, print-on-demand paper copies can be ordered from soon. Please check back with the main FLOSS Manuals page in several days for ordering information:

The manual is free to use, distribute and remix according to the GNU General Public License. FLOSS Manuals volunteers are currently working on French and Portuguese translations, and anyone is free to add contributions and edits for future versions of the manual at

Thanks to Adam Hyde, Walter Langelaar, the workshop participants in Rotterdam as well as those who helped online from the FLOSS Manuals, Ardour and Linux Audio communities, and to all the folks at the moddr_lab and WORM!

Now Playing

bone awllive KFJC[2004]
ernest hemmingwayfor whom the bell tolls [book]
expo 70psychic funeral 2×3″cdr[2009 ruralfauna]
francisco lópezbuildings (new york)[2001 v2_archief]
iannis xenakisformalized music [book]
isis + circle-live at postbahnhof last monday (isis encore with circle vocalist!)
krallicedimensional bleedthrough[2009 profound lore]
liturgyrenihilation[2009 20 buck spin]
merzbowshirasagi (13 japanese birds part 11)[2009 important]
sylvester anfang IIuntitled 3″cdr[2009 luchtrat]
takahashi chikuzanno shinzui (shamisen improvisations from 1970s)
trevor wisharton sonic art [1996 book]

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[video] TONEWHEELS workshop, DA Festival, Sofia Bulgaria

Posted in Documentation on November 13th, 2009 by admin

TONEWHEELS workshop, DA Festival, Sofia Bulgaria from macumbista on Vimeo.
TONEWHEELS is an experiment in converting graphical imagery to sound,
inspired by some of the pioneering 20th Century electronic music

In this three day workshop from 24-27 October 2009, participants built
a simple light-to-sound converter and DC motor controller, and then
began to experiment with drawing sounds onto transparent “tonewheels”.
The workshop ended in a group performance and an invitation to the
audience to try out the instruments for themselves.

As you can see, both the participants and the audience had a great time
with this. I did too! My thanks go to Galina Dimitrova, Rene Beekman,
Prof. Svetoslav Kokalov, Venelin Shurelov, DA Festival, National
Academy of the Arts Sofia, Elena Kaludova and all the participants for a fantastic workshop in Bulgaria!

Now Playing
eliane radiguetriptych[2009 important]
eliane radiguevice versa, etc….[2009 important]
emeraldsemeralds[2009 hanson]
phill niblocktouch strings[2009 touch]
yellow swans with john wieseportable dunes[2009 helicopter]
valerio tricoli & dominique vaccarolive at raum 18, berlin[10.11.09]
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Tuned City Cologne at KHM

Posted in Announcement on September 29th, 2009 by admin


Klanglabor, Filzengraben 8-10, Hinterhof links
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Cologne, Germany
Monday 19 October 19.00-20.00

Tuned City – Between sound and space speculation was an exhibition and conference project taking place from July 01.-05.2008 in Berlin which proposed a new evaluation of architectural spaces from the perspective of the acoustic. Event co-organizer Derek Holzer will present selected topics and documents from Tuned City, and introduce his TUNED CITY COLOGNE workshop to take place over the next several months at KHM.

More info on Tuned City can be found at:


Klanglabor, Filzengraben 8-10, Hinterhof links
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Cologne, Germany
Tuesday 20 October & Wednesday 21 October 10.00-17.00

There are limited places in this workshop! Please register ahead of time with Martin Rumori: ..

This workshop–envisioned as a starting point towards the creation of a long term project aimed at ISEA 2010–aims at investigating the interrelation of sound, architecture and urban space in the city of Cologne.

The conceptual starting point of this workshop is two different but similar lexicons of the kinds of acoustic effects created in real environments. The first is Barry Truax’s Handbook of Acoustic Ecology (1978, second edition 1999, available online: and the second is Sonic Experience: A Guide to Everyday Sounds by CRESSON researchers Jean Francois Augoyard and Henry Torgue. Each work combines terminology from a number of disciplines, but most notably acoustics and sound/music composition, as a way of defining the acoustic effects and experiences found in the everyday soundscape.

Using these books as “field guides”, participants will seek out different examples of the various acoustic effects within the urban experience. From there, we could consider site-specific projects which call attention to these effects (the “urban intervention” component) and installation/performance projects which explore the sonic effects/features in a more controlled environment i.e. the gallery or concert hall (the “laboratory research” component”). My own expertise in environmental sound, soundscape composition, field recording and the Pure Data programming language will be a great asset to the students in any of these situations.

During the first two day session in October 2009, a “laboratory” day will introduce some of the tools and concepts of field recording, including binaural, stereo, quadraphonic, 5.1 and ambisonic/soundfield recording techniques. Following this, participants will explore the city of Cologne, putting the concepts and techniques discussed into action. Finally, after a critical listening session, post-production techniques will be explored to present, spatialize or manipulate the collected recordings. Later workshop sessions in Fall 2009 will concentrate on participant-initiated installations and site specific works.

Workshop Schedule

Tuesday 20 Oct

10.00-12.30: Lab session–discussing conceptual approaches to urban soundscape from Truax, Augoyard & Torgue + introduction to field recording techniques
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-17.00: Field work–exploring/gathering urban sounds

Wednesday 21 Oct

10.00-12.30: Lab session–playback and discussion of recorded sounds
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-17.00: Lab session–post-production editing, spatialization, manipulation of recorded sounds + discussions for future sessions


Derek Holzer [USA 1972] is a sound artist with a background in radio, webstreaming and environmental recording. His work focuses on the often unpredictable details to be found in field recordings and self-built analog electronic sound synthesizers, as well as strategies for collaborations and free and open source software such as Pure Data. He has released tracks under the Nexsound, Mandorla, Sirr, and/OAR and Gruenrekorder labels, and has co-initiated several internet projects for field recording and collaborative soundscapes including

Holzer has performed live, improvised electronic music in many venues and festivals in Europe, the US and Brasil. He is a fellow at Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Cologne during 2009-10.


Tuned City event, July 2008, from top:

* Anechoic Chamber at Technical University Berlin (St. Ander)
* Recording Studio, Funkhaus Nalepastrasse Berlin (Pablo Sanz)
* Curved Hallway, Funkhaus Nalepastrasse Berlin (Pablo Sanz)
* Acoustic Model, Staalplaat shop Berlin (Pablo Sanz)
* Recording gear, Chris Watson field recording workshop, Pfefferberg Berlin (Pablo Sanz)
* Participants, Chris Watson field recording workshop, Pfefferberg Berlin (Pablo Sanz)
* Recording gear, Chris Watson field recording workshop, Pfefferberg Berlin (Pablo Sanz)

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workshop presentation today

Posted in Announcement on August 15th, 2009 by admin
Quick one now, I’m on the way out the door. We’ll be presenting the instrument building workshop this afternoon and evening today, and it will be an open house all say tomorrow at the HKW in Berlin.

Monday morning I’m off back to Estonia to do another Neanderthal Electronics workshop. September I’m doing a TONEWHEELS workshop in Belfast, another one in October in Bulgaria, and another one in November in Kaliningrad (!!!). Finally, I’ve been accepted as a fellow at the KHM in Cologne to develop a new Tuned City project with students there for the ISEA 2010 taking place in Dortmund and surrounding areas.

The flipside of all this excitement is that I haven’t had any time to sort out the kinds of tax and health insurance crap needed to secure my next residence permit to stay in Germany. The appointment is in mid-September and I’m more than a little bit nervous. I suppose the alternative is moving back to the States and working at a truck stop in Texas, which is made all the more attractive when the nasally-voiced American girls from the debt-collection agencies ring up my German mobile asking when I’ll pay back the increasingly overblown amount of money I owe in student loans there. Sigh….


15. August 2009 / Haus der Kulturen der Welt / Berlin 16:00-22:00
presentation of the sommercamp workshop results

(find schedule here >>>)

///////////////////////workshop cluster A
World as Representation: systems and simulation.

1] Analog computers and numerical methods: Simulation of complex/chaotic systems in analogue circuits and software
with Jessica Rylan
2] Plant perception and patabotanical simulations: Overlap of systems simulation with plant sensing data and growth systems
with FOaM/Nik Gaffney and Dave Griffiths
3] Data forensics and urban EM interventions
with Martin Howse/xxxxx and Julian Oliver

///////////////////////workshop cluster B
Re:Discovering Sound — an Instrument-building Workshop

1] DEERHORNS with Ciat Lonbarde/Peter Blasser
2] HALLDOROPHONES with Halldor Ulfarsson
3] ACOUSTIC LAPTOPS with Tore Honoré Bøe
Facilitation by Derek Holzer

///////////////////////workshop cluster C
Ways of Doing.
Approaches, Manuals, Tactics, Strategies and the Operational Art

1] A Media Lab in Berlin (Keeping It Real) with James Wallbank
2] Culture Wars and viceversa with Jordi Claramonte
3] FLOSS Manuals. Ogg Theora Book Sprint with Adam Hyde
This cluster is organised by Medialab Prado, Madrid


Now Playing

mika vainioaineen musta puhelin_black telephone of matter[2009 touch]
lifeloverkonkurs[2008 osmose productions]
sylvester anfangsylvester anfang II(2009 aurora borealis)
greymachinedisconnected[2009 hydra head]
dead and gonet.v. baby[1996]

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