Texts + Lectures
On this page you can find links to a selection of texts and slideshows of lectures related to my work as a sound artist and teacher.
Vector Synthesis: an Investigation into Sound-Modulated Light [eContact! 19.3: Light & Sound, 2017]
Reflections on the LAK Festival: The Participatory Model [2013]
Schematic as Score: Uses and Abuses of the (In)Deterministic Possibilities of Sound Technology [Vague Terrain 19: Schematic as Score, 2011]
UH Fest Go Social! Tour review: On Social Art [2010]
I regularly lecture at universities, art academies, music conservatories, festivals and artist-run spaces on a number of topics.
A Brief History of Optical Synthesis : media archaeological study into the relationship of light + sound, cinema + music, and utopias + dystopias in relation to my audiovisual performance TONEWHEELS.
Probing the Past – a Media Archaeology of Handmade Electronic Sound : technological determinism in sound instrument design, schematics as musical scores, the (ab)uses of (in)determinacy, and a catalog of pioneers of the electronic era (Cage, Tudor, Murzin, Oram, Subotnik, Serge, Buchla….) discussed as inspirations for my own instrument-building practice.
DELILAH TOO: an Archaeology of Privacy : an examination of the vocoder, a sound instrument well-known for its use in the music of Kraftwerk, Funkadelic and many other music groups, but which originated as an instrument of cryptography in the in the second world war, along with an overview of the DELILAH TOO voice-encoder system sound installation.
Sound + Space Awareness : the art of listening applied to sound recording, sonic arts, installation, architecture and sound design.
Those interested in news about my lectures should subscribe to this blog, where I will announce future appearances. To see posts related to previous performances, click here. Please write to macumbista AT THE DOMAIN gmail DOT com or use the CONTACT page for my availability.