Voltage Controlled Slope

Posted in Documentation on January 26th, 2010 by admin

Desperately trying to finish some new electronics before other tasks consume my attention… the latest module for my DIY synthesizer is something like a clone of the recently released Makenoise Maths, which is itself a riff on the Serge Dual Universal Slope Generator. I actually imagine it much more as a kind of analog computer to tell the truth.

It packs two Serge Voltage Controlled Slope Generators, a pair of bipolar “Attenuverters” with positive/negative offset and a series of “analog logic” functions behind a single panel.

In other words, it can create two different waveforms at low or audio rate, with voltage-controllable upwards and downwards slopes, and can perform a number of mathematical functions close to the original Serge “peak” and “trough” functions on these slopes. And yes, it can go into cycle mode by itself, to give me a basic LFO or VCO function.

First basic tests indicate it’s quite a monster! I tend to use one VCS to trigger the other, then cross-modulate the Exponential CV inputs through the Attenuverter, and use one of the Analog Logic outputs to drive a VCO. Instant chaos. It’s incredible to compare the very different flavors coming from the AND, NAND, OR or NOR outputs from the same two input voltages. This module and one or two VCOs would make a very complex little synth all by themselves.

A quick and dirty example of the above patch:

Voltage Controlled Slopes + Analog Logic test by macumbista

NAND drives one VCO, OR drives one LFO. LFO patched back to left-hand VCS “both” input, also to VCO FM, some other cross-modulations as well. Here’s a photo of the patch:


Rise CV / Fall CV / Both CV / Exp CV / Signal Input / Trigger Input


Rise Time / Fall Time / Rise CV / Fall CV / Linear-Exponential mode switch


End of Cycle Output / DC Output


DC Input


Positive-Negative Gain / Positive-Negative Offset


DC Out / Also linked to ANALOG LOGIC inputs


AND “tough” (lowest of two voltages) / NAND inverted “tough” / OR “peak” (highest of two voltages) / NOR inverted “peak” / Sum of two voltages / Inverted Sum of two voltages

The module was created using PCBs from Ken Stone/CGS synths. I love Ken’s boards to death. I used:

2 x CGS75 Voltage Controlled Slope

1 x CGS26 Analog Logic

3 x CGS04 DC Mixer

There’s really not much out there that can’t be self-built with them, if you’re clever with how you put them behind the panel. I’ll be putting a bunch of CMOS digital logic boards on order soon, and putting together a modular synthesizer super-computer in the spring! Hell, one could almost clone an original Serge with them.

Me, I’m not interested in “cloning” anything, thus the hand-stamped letters and general rough feel. Took some fiddling to get it running properly, but now that it does it’s fantastic.

I had a chance to play with a huge Serge system at CEM in Rotterdam a few months ago, and my main area of inquiry were the Dual Slope Generators there. Made some incredible feedback/chaotic synthesis stuff possible. Maybe I’ll find some audio examples from that session and post them later. Until then…

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4 tracks from the past

Posted in Documentation on January 24th, 2010 by admin

I moved the following tracks over to my Soundcloud account this morning. These four are ones that I’m particularly interested in, as they (mostly) combine electronics and field recordings. Gongs and bells as well, although I never realized I was so obsessed with them before! I’ll try to get some takes from the new DIY synth up soon. Until then, enjoy…

Derek Holzer-Untitled [boiler room] by macumbista

Multichannel recording of furnace in Karosta, Latvia (January 2003), processed shortwave radio in Mooste, Estonia (September 2004). Released as part of Untitled Songs: 49 Years from Gesang der Jünglinge 2005-1956 2xCD compilation by Sirr.ecords in 2005.

Derek holzer-metallophone drift by macumbista

Burmese gongs, ice field recording, mixer feedback. Recorded 30 July 2005, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Released as part of the Connected Dots.Connected Ideas compilation CD on the Frozen Elephants Music label, 2007.

Macumbista-hollow space capacitance discharge by macumbista

Japanese temple bell belonging to Jeroen Beets recorded 19 December 2006 @ STEIM, Amsterdam. Analog synthesizer recorded 2006-7, Berlin. Mixed 11-14 November 2007 @ RSS82, Berlin. Released as part of the {Autumn Soundscapes} collection on the Madorla netlabel, 2008.

Derek holzer-matrix events(skinned teeth) by macumbista

Self-made 8×8 matrix mixer, Cwejman/Analogue Systems/Doepfer oscillators, digital delay, joystick control voltage, mixer feedback. Recorded with a case of mild food poisoning (thus the “skinned teeth” feeling) January 25th, 2009. Unreleased.

Now Playing

bj nilsenthe invisible city[2010 touch](thx benny!!!!)
elias canettiauto da fe[1935 book]

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[video] TONEWHEELS workshop, DA Festival, Sofia Bulgaria

Posted in Documentation on November 13th, 2009 by admin

TONEWHEELS workshop, DA Festival, Sofia Bulgaria from macumbista on Vimeo.
TONEWHEELS is an experiment in converting graphical imagery to sound,
inspired by some of the pioneering 20th Century electronic music

In this three day workshop from 24-27 October 2009, participants built
a simple light-to-sound converter and DC motor controller, and then
began to experiment with drawing sounds onto transparent “tonewheels”.
The workshop ended in a group performance and an invitation to the
audience to try out the instruments for themselves.

As you can see, both the participants and the audience had a great time
with this. I did too! My thanks go to Galina Dimitrova, Rene Beekman,
Prof. Svetoslav Kokalov, Venelin Shurelov, DA Festival, National
Academy of the Arts Sofia, Elena Kaludova and all the participants for a fantastic workshop in Bulgaria!

Now Playing
eliane radiguetriptych[2009 important]
eliane radiguevice versa, etc….[2009 important]
emeraldsemeralds[2009 hanson]
phill niblocktouch strings[2009 touch]
yellow swans with john wieseportable dunes[2009 helicopter]
valerio tricoli & dominique vaccarolive at raum 18, berlin[10.11.09]
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Tiny Noise Cologne/Moers videos

Posted in Documentation on November 8th, 2009 by admin

Slowly recovering from two and a half weeks on the road! Played four gigs in three different countries, did several workshops and started my fellowship at KHM in Cologne… Video docs from the Cologne and Moers gigs are ready, and I have some great clips of the Bulgarian TONEWHEELS workshop+presentation waiting to get edited, I will post them soon. Enjoy…

15/17 NOVEMBER 2009

Tina Tonagel [de]
Saal5 [de]
Derek Holzer [usa/de]
RaumZeitPiraten [de]
RYBn [fr]
FrlLinientreu [de]
Robert Kondorosi [de]
Justice Yeldham [au]
EOSIN [pt]

Derek Holzer from Elektronen Toto on Vimeo.

TINY NOISE COLOGNE from Elektronen Toto on Vimeo.


Now Playing

Victor PelevinThe Clay Machine Gun [book]
Thomas PynchonInherent Vice [book][danke C, G & T!]
Даниил Хармс (Daniil Kharms) – various short stories
Matthew BarneyCremaster 2 [again…gotta love the death metal bees…]
C. Spencer Yeh – live last Friday at White Rabbit, Berlin
barn owlthe conjurer lp[2009 root strata]
barn owltransfiguration lp[2009 electric totem]
elmnemcatacoa[2009 digitalis]
black to commalphabet 1968[2009 dekorder]
eno moebius roedeliusafter the heat[1978 sky records]
heike vestermarine mammals and fish of lofoten and vesteralen[2009 gruenrekorder]
kevin drummimperial horizon[2009 hospital productions]
morbid angelthy kingdom come 7”[1988 splattermaniac]
oren ambarchia final kiss on poisoned cheeks vinyl[2009 table of elements]
peter wrightan angel fell where the kestrel hover[2009 spekk]
pyramids with nadjaself titled[2009 hydra head]
skullflowerbirthdeath ep[1988 broken flag]

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Halfway across the Great Loneliness…

Posted in Documentation on October 7th, 2009 by admin

The only true wisdom lives far from mankind, out in the great loneliness, and it can be reached only through suffering. Privation and suffering alone can open the mind of a man to all that is hidden to others.

—Inuit shaman Najagneq, recorded by Knut Rasmussen

If you want to build a modular, my advice is not to do it if you want to have any friends, it takes too much time.

—Jessica Rylan

(click photos to make them BIGGER)

My new DIY synthesizer project is getting better and better. Right after I got my residence permit I realized I had almost a month in Berlin without having to get on a plane, train, bus or boat, so I decided to maximize that time by going deep into the modular cave. The Great Loneliness indeed–but with incredible revelations! This is the realization of a dream I’ve had for ten years now, so forgive me if I geek out for a moment…

The modules I’ve built, from top left to right:

Two Dual Thomas Henry XR-2206 Voltage Controlled Oscillators (Bugbrand PCB layouts, self-etched)
4×4 Bipolar DC Matrix Mixer (Ken Stone CGS 33 & CGS 04 PCBs)
Blank Panel (singlewide)

Super-Psycho Modulation Source (Ken Stone CGS 21)
Wave Multiplier (Ken Stone CGS 29)
Blank panel for another Dual Thomas Henry XR-2206 VCO (will complete tonight!)
Blank panel (doublewide)
Two channel DC Mixer (three inputs per channel, large jack outputs)(more CGS 04 PCBs)

Dual Synthacon Voltage Controlled Filters (Marc Bareille PCBs)
Dual Polyvoks Voltage Controlled Filters (Marc Bareille PCBs)
Blank Panel (doublewide)
Blank Panel (singlewide)
Breadboard Prototyping area (= doublewide blank panel)

Besides most of the PCBs, I’m really committed to making every part of this thing with my own hands. Some people in the synth DIY scene send their front panels out to get professionally etched and anodized. I’m not really concerned with having the “professional look”, partly for financial reasons, and partly because it’s really important to be able to rapidly prototype things, get them in the case and make some fucking noise. The fact that it looks handmade separates it from all that store bought crap that people don’t have any clue what goes on inside of anyways.

With that in mind, I found a great “finish” for the metal by using an orbital hand-sander and 100-grit paper. Very Neanderthal, just the way I like it! The top row modules all have this finish. I’ve got some metal-stamps on order for the panel lettering, and then I’ll probably clear-coat each panel to keep the finger-grease out.

Speaking of noise, sounds soon, maybe on the weekend.

Now Playing (…besides the synth that is…)

baronessblue record[2009 relapse]
coalesceox[2009 relapse]
convergeaxe to fall[2009 epitaph]
eagle twinthe unkindness of crows[2009 southern lord]
helmut schäfer & zbigniew karkowskieminent risk factor[2008 ALKU 65]
lightlife is meaningless & goes on forever[2009 self released]
pelicanwhat we all come to need[2009 southern lord]
prurientrose pillar 11″[2009 heartworm]

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almost finished….

Posted in Documentation on August 30th, 2009 by admin

A few shots of the almost-completed Buchla 200e clone synthesizer cabinet I’ve been working on (they are clickable to enlarge). It still needs some internal wiring done, and I have definitely discovered that painting metal evenly is not my forté, but it looks pretty damned good all the same. Now to make more modules to stick in it…

Updates on sommercampworkstation (Berlin, Germany)[Flickr pics] and AVAMAA (Mooste, Estonia) forthcoming. But tonight I’ve got curry to cook and single malts to sip with los amigos Scandinavios Lars, Iben & Halldor!

Now Playing

theodore kaczynskiindustrial society and its future[1995 ny times][wikimedia]
twowhokesämaalla/talvikaupungissa cs[2990 ikuisuus]
lightning boltearthly delights[2009 load]
merzbowkokuchou(13 japanese birds vol 8)[2009 important]
velvet cacoonatropine[2009 full moon productions]
(v.e.g.a.)far from you[2009 vega korperation]

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Posted in Documentation on August 4th, 2009 by admin

Just back from Romania…six 5 hour walks in Carpathian forests, several solar/laser noise experiments, avalanches of grilled meat and (unfortunately) about 151,200 sampled kick drum beats later. Yes, that’s four-to-the-floor kicks at 120 bpm for 12 hours a day the whole week long…

Put another way, the Sound Camp was alright, although I wasn’t too sure most of the people there were interested in anything other than the same trendy club music playing on hipsters’ iPhones & MacBooks all across Europe. I did find a couple guys there interested in some electronic experimentation–including Sergiu Doroftei, who took my laser sound transmitter as a cue to build his own light-to-sound converter, and Paul Popescu, who constructed a “Ruben’s Tube” of sound-modulated propane gas flames! And Bucharest physician/Star Dome architect Florin Dobrescu turned out to be exactly the kind of space-case visionary that I love to have good long rant with.

I also had some interesting conversations with Le Placard’s Eric Minkkinen about the ethics of cracked software, recycling ancient Macintosh computers from the Paris dumpsters and the potential role of “taste making” groups like our hosts Rokolectiv or Belgrade’s Dispatch Festival in getting their respective scenes out of the music-genre-ghettos they may have fallen into (minimal house, glitch idm, yadda yadda yadda) and exposing them to something more challenging. But then a few more carloads of people in Bucharest got wind of the “party in the mountains”, and suddenly it felt like a mini-Ibiza.

24 hour party people forgiven, I definitely want to thank Cosmin Tapu and Mihaela Vasile for their hard work pulling the Sound Camp together and wish them lots of good luck with their next festival in 2010.

Some Synth-pr0n

While the Romanians were busy reliving their 90’s techno childhoods, I got around to editing some videos from earlier this year. Here’s the first one:

Roland System-100M feedback oscillation from macumbista on Vimeo.

Synth-pr0n from my trip to London during March 2009.

Somehow, no matter what machine I sit down in front of, I always try
out the same patch–a big VCO feedback system, with a little
sample-and-hold noise thrown in for good measure.

Thanks to Mick Grierson and Ian Stonehouse at Goldsmiths University for access to this fantastic piece of gear!

[Sound is from built in camera mic and is pretty low, anybody know some simple tool to normalize volume of a Quicktime clip?]

Now Playing

black flaglive ’84[1985 sst]
burial hexblood between her lakes[2008 turgid animal]
ellen fullmanbody music[1997]
filthlive the chaos[1990 lookout]
invernomutoquiet village mixtape[2009 infernomuto.blogspot.com]
kevin drummalku tape[2009 alku]
z’evschoenste muziek lp[1986]

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Rokolectiv Soundcamp + Significant Other

Posted in Announcement, Documentation on July 9th, 2009 by admin
Rokolectiv Soundcamp
Star Dome, Rucar, Romania
27.07 – 02.08.2009

Suzana Dan, Sergiu Doroftei, Camil Dumitrescu, Ion Dumitrescu, Derek Holzer, Catalin Matei, Eric Minkkinen, Paul Popescu, Daniel Stanciu

With support from AFCN – Romanian Ministry of Culture

Partners: MNAC Lab, Ableton Live, Collectif Mu, CTM Berlin, Star Dome s.r.l.

Rokolectiv Soundcamp is a seven days artistic residency for sound experiments and field recording. Ten artists will work out of the urban context in a studio hosted by the prototype of the Star Dome in Rucar, an innovative house turned into a space for artistic residency. Star Dome is a modular dwelling, one of the few sustainable architecture structures in Romania.

Rokolectiv Soundcamp promotes an artistic and cultural research, an investigation of the natural landscape with its acoustic and language peculiarities. The project consists of individual field recording sessions, as well as workshops, panels and debates for and with the artists involved. The works realized during the residency will be gathered on a promotional CD.

Rokolectiv Soundcamp is the follow up of European Sound Delta, a broader sound art project co-organized by Rokolectiv in summer 2008, when international artists took part in a mobile residency navigating upstream on the Rhine and Danube.

If you wish to say hi you are invited to join us at Rucar between July 27th and August 2nd. The access to the Romanian mountain resort can be done by public buses which leave daily from Bucharest or by train to Brasov, and then by local shuttles to Rucar.

For further info feel free to contact us at: info@rokolectiv.ro

Significant Other

An Estonian friend joked with me once that while some people carry around photos of their girlfriends, I have photos of my synthesizers. In keeping with that thought…after my almost completely disastrous weekend in Copenhagen (even the moon let me down), I decided to focus on something real this week. So this is a preview of a new case I’m working on–a clone of the Buchla 200e. Still some things left to do, as you can see, before I start putting the modules in. Big thanks to Ingo Fröhlich for help with the woodwork!

Now Playing

cabaret voltaire2×45[1982 rough trade]
emeraldsallegory of allergies[2007 gods of tundra]
hive minda feast within cs[2009 gods of tundra]
jarboemahakali[2008 the end]
mircea eliadeshamanism: archaic techniques of ecstasy book[1964]
mrtyu!ornate shroud[2009 fauna sabbatha]
nadja & black boned angelnadja & black boned angel[2009 20 buck spin]
neurosis & jarboeneurosis & jarboe[2003 neurot]
swanschildren of god+world of skin[1997 young god]
swansfilth+body to body, job to job[2000 young god]
yellow swansmort aux vaches[2009 staalplaat]

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Down and Out in Copenhagen

Posted in Documentation on July 6th, 2009 by admin
Friday 3 July, Copenhagen: The trip that defied planning. Waiting for money which has not been paid, unable to find the keys to the flat where I’m supposed to stay, phone on it’s last legs, friends far away and not sure I know anything about love any more. But somehow, I woke up here:

(yes, you can click to enlarge it…)

Another place which I expect to be sleeping in the near future:

For the curious, some upcoming events:

27 Jul-03 Aug: Symposium, Star Dome, Rucăr, Romania
10-16 Aug: Sommercampworkstation, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
17-22 Aug: AVAMAA, Moks, Mooste, Estonia
07-08 Sep: Oscillations Festival, Belfast, North Ireland


Mountains of Mourne

Posted in Documentation on May 4th, 2009 by admin

Northern Ireland, 26 April 2009

A long time ago, I promised myself that for every week I spend traveling to do workshops or gigs behind the computer or in front of electronics, I would give myself one day in nature. This was one of those rare times where it actually worked out. Thanks to Richard Davis from Queen Street Digital Studios in Belfast for the opportunity!

The show last Wednesday with Column One and Burial Hex went down well. Thanks to everyone who came out! Unfortunately for me, a cable crapped out on my recorder, so I only have my set in mono… The gig on the 10th with Pure and Habsyll at Raum 18 should be great too. Don’t let the new venue throw you…the only neighbors are a Turkish wedding hall, which means noise will never be an issue! But first, I have to survive the Neanderthal Electronics workshop at NK next week.

I’m looking for someone to sublet my flat in Berlin while I’m away from 20 May to approx 15 June. Rent is EUR 10 a night, minimum one week. Also, I’ll be passing through Paris on 8 June and would love to do a workshop or a gig. Get in touch if you can help either way!

Now Playing

BodychokeCold River Songs CD [1996/2009 Relapse reissue]
Calcination CD [2009 Utech] (Thx Antoine!!!)
Antoine ChessexTerra Incognita amazing gatefold 12″ [2009 Amphissa] (Thx Antoine!!!)
House of Low Culture
Live from the House of Low Temperature one-sided, screen-printed 12″ [2008 2XHNI] (Thx Aaron!!!)
Merzbow & Pan Sonic
V CD (live at Victoriaville, 2002) [2003 Victo]
MerzbowKarasu (13 Japanese Birds Part 4) CD [2009 Important]
MossTombs of the Blind Drugged CD [2009 Rise Above]
MudboyMudmux Volume One 7” [2008 DNT]
Haunted CastleSagging Skull and Street Beast CS [2006/2007 Self Released]
Einstürzende Neubauten/Sogo Ishii
Halber Mensch film [1986]
Victor Pelevin
Babylon post-Soviet Buddhist critique of New Russian advertising culture novel (???)
Vince CollinsMalice in Wonderland unbelievably twisted/perversely surreal animation [1982]

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