workshop presentation today

Quick one now, I’m on the way out the door. We’ll be presenting the instrument building workshop this afternoon and evening today, and it will be an open house all say tomorrow at the HKW in Berlin.

Monday morning I’m off back to Estonia to do another Neanderthal Electronics workshop. September I’m doing a TONEWHEELS workshop in Belfast, another one in October in Bulgaria, and another one in November in Kaliningrad (!!!). Finally, I’ve been accepted as a fellow at the KHM in Cologne to develop a new Tuned City project with students there for the ISEA 2010 taking place in Dortmund and surrounding areas.

The flipside of all this excitement is that I haven’t had any time to sort out the kinds of tax and health insurance crap needed to secure my next residence permit to stay in Germany. The appointment is in mid-September and I’m more than a little bit nervous. I suppose the alternative is moving back to the States and working at a truck stop in Texas, which is made all the more attractive when the nasally-voiced American girls from the debt-collection agencies ring up my German mobile asking when I’ll pay back the increasingly overblown amount of money I owe in student loans there. Sigh….


15. August 2009 / Haus der Kulturen der Welt / Berlin 16:00-22:00
presentation of the sommercamp workshop results

(find schedule here >>>)

///////////////////////workshop cluster A
World as Representation: systems and simulation.

1] Analog computers and numerical methods: Simulation of complex/chaotic systems in analogue circuits and software
with Jessica Rylan
2] Plant perception and patabotanical simulations: Overlap of systems simulation with plant sensing data and growth systems
with FOaM/Nik Gaffney and Dave Griffiths
3] Data forensics and urban EM interventions
with Martin Howse/xxxxx and Julian Oliver

///////////////////////workshop cluster B
Re:Discovering Sound — an Instrument-building Workshop

1] DEERHORNS with Ciat Lonbarde/Peter Blasser
2] HALLDOROPHONES with Halldor Ulfarsson
3] ACOUSTIC LAPTOPS with Tore Honoré Bøe
Facilitation by Derek Holzer

///////////////////////workshop cluster C
Ways of Doing.
Approaches, Manuals, Tactics, Strategies and the Operational Art

1] A Media Lab in Berlin (Keeping It Real) with James Wallbank
2] Culture Wars and viceversa with Jordi Claramonte
3] FLOSS Manuals. Ogg Theora Book Sprint with Adam Hyde
This cluster is organised by Medialab Prado, Madrid


Now Playing

mika vainioaineen musta puhelin_black telephone of matter[2009 touch]
lifeloverkonkurs[2008 osmose productions]
sylvester anfangsylvester anfang II(2009 aurora borealis)
greymachinedisconnected[2009 hydra head]
dead and gonet.v. baby[1996]

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