Soundboxes in Serbia 07-08 April 2011

Soundboxes workshop by Derek Holzer 07-08.04.2011 11:00, Dom Omladine Belgrade Serbia

Laptop sa one strane ogledala – steampunk pristup samodovoljnoj zvučnoj kutiji koju ćete poneti sa sobom i prilagoditi vašim zvučnim potrebama. Zvučnik, kontakt mikrofon, input-output kao glavni sastojci koji ze mogu začiniti gumicama, zvončićima, distorzijama, oscilatorima…

I’ll be doing a Soundboxes workshop for the SHARE Conference. As long as the organizers succeed in finding the wooden boxes I asked for, that is. Steampunk? Hardly… but it should be a good noisy couple of days all the same.

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