Panga Cliff, Saaremaa Estonia
Panga cliff is located on the northern shore of Saaremaa, at the end of the Kuressaare – Võhma road, close to Panga village. It is the highest of the Saaremaa and Muhu cliffs, reaching to a maximum of 21.3 metres. The entire cliff is approximately 2.5 km long.
According to folk tradition, Panga cliff was a place of worship and sacrifice for the ancient, Pre-Christian Saarlanders. Local fishermen poured libations of beer and whiskey over the edge of the cliff, especially at midsummer eve, to ensure lots of fish during the coming year until well into the 19th century. One source indicated that children were killed and thrown into the sea here until the 16th Century. Another told that the last animal sacrifice took place during the 1960’s.
Photos taken on a quiet walk with Carsten Stabenow, 23 May 2010.
Now Playing
daniil kharms–today i wrote nothing(book)
dispirit–bitumen amnii/ixtab’s lure(2010
gregory jones & roy sablosky–no imagination(1980 vinyl records/2007 creel pone cdr)
john wiese & daniel menche–behold the scathing light 3″(2004 helicopter)
lunar miasma–crystal covered(2010 basses frequences)
thomas lehn–feldstärken(2000 random acoustics)
various artists–serge musician’s tape[1983]