Playlist: 2011 in Sounds

aluk todoloordre[2011 ajna offensive]
asvapresence of absence[2011 important]
barn owl + jefre cantu-ledesmalive at levee berlin[may 2011]
barn owl & the infinite strings ensemblethe headlands[2011 important]
ben frostlive at berghain berlin[feb 2011]
bohren and der club of gorebeileid ep[2011 ipecac]
charlemagne palestinelive at tuned city tallinn[july 2011]
corruptedgarten der unbewusstheit[2011 cold ashes]
crippled black phoenixlive at festsaal kreuzberg berlin[may 2011]
cut handsafro noise 1[2011 very friendly/susan lawly]
diamanda galaslive at wundergrund copenhagen[oct 2011]
earthangels of darkness, demons of light I[2011 southern lord]
elehradiant intervals[2011 important]
eliane radiguetransamorem, transmortem[2011 important]
ellen fullmanthrough glass panes[2011 important]
evan caminitiwhen california falls into the sea 12″[2011 handmade birds]
falls of raurosthe light that dwells in rotten wood[2011 bindrune]
lasse marhauglive at wundergrund copenhagen[nov 2011]
master musicians of bukkakelive at festsaal kreuzberg berlin[may 2011]
mika vainiolife (… it eats you up)[2011 editions mego]
motion sickness of time traveldreamcatcher cs[2011 hobo cult records]
oneohtrix point neverreplica[2011 software]
pharaoh overlordout of darkness[2011 ektro]
pj harveylet england shake[2011 island]
the skull defects feat. daniel higgspeer amid[2011 thrill jockey]
thomas ankersmitlive at tuned city tallinn[july 2011]
tim heckerravedeath 1972[2011 kranky]
trevor wisharttalk and concert at DIEM aarhus[dec 2011]
various artistsbrass pins & match heads: international 78s[2011 mississippi]
valerio tricoli & thomas ankersmitforma II[2011 pan-act]
wolves in the throne roomcelestial lineage[2011 southern lord]


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